In the midst of a highly insecure time, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Odyssey Project secured $3 million in gifts, a base for the future of Odyssey and its transformational work in breaking the cycle of generational poverty …
Top Stories
Gittens to serve as UW–Madison’s interim chief diversity officer
MADISON — Cheryl Gittens, an assistant vice provost in UW–Madison’s Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement, has been named interim leader of the university’s diversity and inclusion efforts. Gittens will assume the role of …
COVID-19: Community gathers to support members of Asian Descent during global pandemic
More than 200 campus and community participants joined Tuesday’s virtual townhall, COVID-19: Supporting our Pan-Asian Communities in this Time of Crisis. For a list of shared sources of help, go to COVID-19 Resources. Hosted by the …
Resources during COVID-19: Supporting our Pan-Asian communities in this time of crisis
On Tuesday, May 19, a partnership of community, education and government organizations hosted a virtual town hall in response to xenophobic and hateful attacks directed at people of Asian descent in Wisconsin during the COVID-19 …
Notable grads: A few of the outstanding students at spring commencement 2020
The coronavirus outbreak changed a lot of things at UW–Madison this semester; the excellence of this spring’s graduating class was not one of them. As we prepare to celebrate commencement virtually on May 9, here …
Undergraduate research: A powerful tool for sifting and winnowing
University research is often a mysterious and murky concept to undergraduates arriving on campus. But through the College of Letters & Science’s Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, each year we help approximately 200 first- and second-year …
A New Era for Children’s Literature
Ever since I was born and could see, Everywhere I looked, I saw dance. In the clouds as the wind blew them across the sky, In the ripples on a pond, Even in the sea …
UW Now Livestream Special Edition with Mike Leckrone and Corey Pompey
April 16 At 7 P.M. CDT JOIN THE LIVESTREAM THE UW BAND LEGACY From “Build Me Up, Buttercup” to the “U-Rah-Rah” of “Varsity,” the UW Marching Band has been the heart of Badger spirit for …
Atypical path leads student to Truman Scholarship
Posted on April 15, 2020 | By Doug Erickson There was a time when UW–Madison junior Tina Marshalek hesitated to tell people she was a non-traditional transfer student. Or that she had been homeschooled from kindergarten through 12th grade. …
‘Often our communities feel invisible’: Q&A with leaders of UW’s Indigenous Law Students Association
As first-year law students in 2018, Catelin Aiwohi and Lorenzo Gudino instantly gravitated toward each other. They were among a handful of first-year students that fall who identified as Native or Indigenous at the University …
Breaking the Mold
When Daniel Zhu ’04 graduated from UW–Madison with degrees in international business and Chinese, he didn’t expect to become the founder of a production media team 15 years later. His company, StanceElements, showcases different art movements …
Equity and inclusion champion Roger Pulliam has passed away
Roger Pulliam, a champion of equity and inclusion at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater who devoted his life to opening the doors of education for everyone, has died at the age of 77. He passed away …
Meet 2020 Forward under 40 Award Recipient Kiana Beaudin ’10, MPAS’15
The Ho-Chunk Nation’s Department of Health has been declared a “shining star” among providers in the U.S. Indian Health Service, and executive director Kiana Beaudin is proud to serve her tribe as the department’s guiding light.
Ada Deer, Kenneth Cole Named Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award Honorees
Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and City of Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway announced today that Ada Deer and Kenneth R. Cole are this year’s recipients of the combined City-County Humanitarian Award honoring Reverend Dr. Martin …
Q&A: Gail Ford, newest PEOPLE director, pays it forward by mentoring precollege students
Gail Ford’s path to college started when not she, but her younger sister, was accepted into a precollege program in eighth grade through Ferris State University in Michigan. Ford, who grew up in Detroit, attended …
UW Odyssey Project raises record amount to help transform lives
The award-winning UW–Madison Odyssey Project can claim another accolade. They set a fundraising record at the Madison Club’s annual Charity Gala, raising more than $200,000 to provide educational access to adults living at the poverty level and …
Aaron Bird Bear named UW–Madison’s first director of tribal relations
Aaron Bird Bear, a skilled administrator with extensive professional experience on Native Nations issues, has been named to the newly created full-time position of tribal relations director at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. “Strengthening our relationships …
‘These spaces are sacred’: Ho-Chunk speaker urges mindfulness, reverence of campus indigenous sites
Politics and social structures tend to divide us, but our shared reverence for the land and its history can be the bond that unites us, Samantha Skenandore, a member of the Ho-Chunk Nation, told a …
Photo Gallery: A connection with the community
September 16, 2019 / University News Service / Photos by Bryce Richter Community members met with UW–Madison program representatives — and even Bucky Badger — at the South Madison Community Partnership event held in Villager …