The University of Wisconsin–Madison Odyssey Beyond Bars (OBB) program received the Wisconsin State Public Defender’s Eisenberg Award for its work in giving people who are incarcerated the ability to take college courses and improve their …
New $3 million endowment will enable UW Odyssey Project to continue to combat inequities
In the midst of a highly insecure time, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Odyssey Project secured $3 million in gifts, a base for the future of Odyssey and its transformational work in breaking the cycle of generational poverty …
TV series highlights alumna’s struggle for equity in the classroom
For a self-described shy person, Jessica Stovall is making some big waves these days. The 34-year old “Badger fanatic” graduate of the UW–Madison School of Education and Chancellor’s Scholarship program has spent the last 11 …
UW Press book inspires national framework for teaching about slavery
A framework for teaching middle school and high school students about slavery, developed by the Southern Poverty Law Center and launched Feb. 1, was inspired by and based on a book published by the University …