Shared Governance

From the Vice Chancellor for Inclusive Excellence to front-line staff, Division of Diversity Equity and Educational Achievement (DDEEA) members work to embody and support inclusive excellence by partnering in the work of diversity & inclusion-focused shared governance committees and divisional bodies.

Shared governance gives representation to academic staff, university staff, faculty and students, who all take part in making significant decisions concerning the operation of the university. Shared governance is a unique and important aspect of life at the UW. Learn more about shared governance at UW–Madison.

Shared Governance Committees

These campus committees, described in Faculty Policies & Procedures and sometimes referred to as “Chapter 6” committees, generally meet monthly from September to May. They may convene subcommittees or work groups to advance ongoing efforts during the summer.

Information about their current leadership, membership, and administrative support is available in Committee Tracker (log-in required), a shared governance database hosted by the offices of the Secretary of the Faculty, Secretary of the Academic Staff and Secretary of the University Staff.

For more information about these committees, please contact the Office of the Secretary of Faculty

DDEEA Shared Governance Partners

Chapter 6 – Diversity Committees

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Committee on Disability Access and Inclision

Advises the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator and other institutional units with primary responsibility for ADA compliance, and support their work to ensure the policies, programs and services of the institution are accessible for students, employees and guests of the university who have disabilities.

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Campus Diversity & Climate Committee

This shared governance body advises the administration, faculty, staff, and students on campus diversity and climate. The CDCC values the contributions of each person and respects the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. As part of that community, the CDCC is committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals.

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Immigration & International Issues Committee

Provides general advice and recommendations to the administration and all governance bodies on immigration and international student and staff issues.

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LGBTQ+ Committee

Recommends to administrative offices and governance bodies changes in university priorities, policies, practices and programs that advance inclusive excellence across the spectrum of gender identity and expression and sexual orientation.

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Committee for Women in the University

Recommends to administrative offices and governance bodies changes in university priorities, policies, practices and programs that would improve the status of women.

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Chapter 6 – Instruction, Education, and Student Policies Committees

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Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid (CURAFA)

The Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid (CURAFA) is a shared governance committee whose mission is to build a scholarly and diverse undergraduate student population by initiating, monitoring, and advising on policies related to student recruitment, admissions, and financial aid.

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Other Committees and Groups

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Campus Diversity Leaders

Schools, colleges, and divisions at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have administrators in high–level roles dedicated to equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging planning, programming, and services. The chief diversity officer convenes a working group of diversity leaders from across the campus to share knowledge and best practices, address campus climate issues, and work collectively to foster a diverse and equitable campus environment where all members of the UW–Madison community feel a genuine sense of inclusion and belonging.

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For more information email CDO Assistants.

Equity & Diversity Chairs Committee

In May 1997 the Faculty Senate passed legislation (Faculty Document 1260b) requiring the deans or directors of twenty nine academic and administrative units to establish “equity and diversity committees.” These committees identify, address, and monitor diversity and climate issues affecting faculty, staff, and students within their respective divisions. The Division regularly convenes a working group of Equity & Diversity Committee chairs.