Why I Love UW

“Why I Love UW” is a series of short documentary-style films created by award-winning filmmaker Alex Miranda Cruz of Bravebird and produced by the UW–Madison Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement (DDEEA).

The films, which were commissioned in the spring of 2019, feature the voices of diverse alumni describing in their own words how UW–Madison changed their lives.

Watch the films

The Story of Gabriel Stulman

Now an incredibly successful New York restauranteur, Gabriel Stulman ('03) credits UW–Madison and the relationships he developed as an undergraduate student here with setting him up for his post-collegiate success.

The Story of Everett Mitchell

It took mentors, counselors, friends and family who believed in him and a supportive environment at UW–Madison to enable Everett Mitchell to unlock his potential and become the community leader he is today.

The Story of Alex Gee

Alex Gee and his family together hold 13 degrees from UW–Madison. It’s a legacy spanning three generations that began when his mother, Verline Gee, brought her young children to Madison to pursue a new life in the early '70s. WINNER Of 5 TELLY AWARDS

Screenshot of Alex Gee and his family sitting in a living room

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