Luis A. Piñero
Credentials: MA
Position title: Senior Special Assistant - Workforce Equity, Diversity Education, and Outreach;
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Pronouns: he/him/his
Phone: (608) 263-5244

Luis A. Piñero serves as Senior Special Assistant in the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement. He reports to the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer. Luis began his UW–Madison career in the Office of Affirmative Action and Compliance in August 1982. He held progressively responsible leadership roles in that office. He was appointed Assistant Vice Chancellor for Workforce Equity and Diversity in the Equity and Diversity Resource Center in February 2000. In that role, he collaborated with campus leaders, colleges, schools, divisions, and governance bodies to coordinate campus compliance with affirmative action and equal employment opportunity regulations. He served as the campus Title IX Coordinator from 2004 to 2015 and is currently the deputy Title IX Coordinator. In that role, he assists the Office of Compliance, Sexual Misconduct Resource, and Response Program in its efforts to support UW–Madison’s commitment to creating and maintaining a campus community that is free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. He began his current role as Senior Special Assistant in May 2019.
University employees, students, and visitors to campus may contact the senior special assistant to consult regarding strategies and resources for addressing workplace discrimination and harassment, hostile and intimidating behaviors, and related professional development and training. The senior special assistant collaborates and consults with colleges, schools, divisions, and units and makes referrals to campus and divisional offices, as appropriate.
The senior special assistant designs and conducts professional development and training sessions to support campus strategic priorities, including workforce development, diversity, equity, excellence, inclusion, and belonging. He coordinates the Graduate Assistants Equity Workshops, which are professional development sessions offered to teaching, program/project, and research assistants. Workshop participants receive information about relevant laws, policies, regulations, and resources; explore the practical application of these policies to teaching, learning, and research environments; and engage in conversations designed to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and excellence through diversity. Luis possesses a bachelor’s degree from Marquette University and a master’s degree from UW–Madison.