What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted …
News & Announcements
The Nobel Fighter: Putting Malala Yousafzai in Context
WHEN: Thursday, October 30, 1:00-2:30pm WHERE: 6191 Helen C. White Hall Amitabh Pal is managing editor of The Progressive magazine, founded in 1909, and co-editor of the Progressive Media Project, an op-ed service, both based in Madison, …
Innovation Grant proposal deadline is Nov. 7
November 7 is the next deadline to submit proposals for Innovation Grant funding through the Office of the Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer and the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement. The Grant Funding System is …
Building Familia with a Latin@Youth Group: The Role of Community-Ally/Researcher
The Morgridge Center for Public Service will present its first Bagels and Research: Community-based Research in Action program of the 2014-15 academic year on Friday, October 24th, 9-10am, in the Morgridge Center, Room 154 Red …
Life After Undergrad: Possibilities in Graduate & Professional School
Are you an undergraduate student who is part of CeO, First Wave, Pathways, Posse or PEOPLE? Are you interested in Graduate School, Law School, Medical School or Veterinary School? If so, JOIN US! Life After Undergrad: Possibilities in Graduate & Professional School is a seminar/workshop being held on Wednesday,Oct. 22, at Gordon Dining and Event Center’s Sonata Room from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Hear from top professionals involved with …
Apply now to serve on 2015 Homecoming Committee
The deadline for applications to serve on the student-led 2015 Homecoming Committee is November 1 at 11:59 p.m. Interviews will take place November 4 through November 7. Please see http://www.uwalumni.com/students/homecoming/#committee for more information and share this link. Homecoming …
Prof. Patty Loew presents Native Biographies in Earth Ethics, Ecology and Tribal Sustainability
Great Lakes Higher Education funds initiatives at UW-Madison to diversify STEM fields
Initiatives to improve diversity in science, technology, education and mathematics (STEM) at UW-Madison will get a multi-million dollar boost from Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation. Despite the rapidly growing number of jobs in STEM fields, fewer than 40 …
Still Relevant?: Race and Racism in Our Lives
On Thursday, Oct. 16, the Institute for Justice Education and Transformation will host a discussion entitled “Still Relevant?: Race and Racism in Our Lives” in the Multicultural Student Center. Participants are asked to register. Recent …
Native American Artist Wade Fernandez to perform
Wisconsin-born Native American musician and storyteller Wade Fernandez, Wiciwen Apis-Mahwaew, will perform Wednesday, October 15 at 7 p.m. in Morphy Hall, 2330 Humanities Building. Sponsored by the First-Year Interest Groups Program, admission is free. A reception with light refreshments will follow his performance. Fernandez …
Activist Kenyon Farrow to speak on racial inequality
Award-winning writer and activist Kenyon Farrow will speak on racial inequality Thursday, Oct. 9, at 4 p.m. at the UW-Madison Multicultural Student Center (Second Floor of the Red Gym), 716 Langdon Street. He will give …
The Grant Funding System (GFS) Now Active
The Grant Funding System, operated by the Office of the Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer and the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement, is again available to receive proposals. The program is designed …
Celebrate Latino Heritage Month
The inaugural UW-Madison Latino Heritage Month celebration kicks off tonight with the 6th Annual SuperMercado Latin hosted by Lambda Theta Phi in the Amulni Lounge o the Pyle Center from 5 .m. to 8 p.m. “A Legacy …
Diversity Leaders World Music Festival Reception
On Friday, Sept. 12, the Office of the Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer will partner with the Memorial Union kick off its annual World Music Festival with the Diversity Leaders World Music Festival Reception …
UW Law School alumna appointed to Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
University of Wisconsin Law School Alumna Geraldine Hines became the first black woman to sit on the seven-member Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in July. The 66-year-old Hines fills the spot left vacant when Associate Justice Ralph …
Diversity Framework Does Not Relate to Grading
The following is a July 21 statement of Professor Patrick Sims, Chief Diversity Officer and interim vice provost for Diversity and Climate: The idea that UW-Madison will begin to base student grading or the make-up …
(WisCEL) wins Teaching and Learning Innovation Award
Two teams have been selected to receive the inaugural UW-Madison Teaching and Learning Innovation Awards for their work to promote educational innovation on campus.
Call for Nominations: UW-Madison’s Outstanding Women of Color Awards 2014
NOMINATIONS DUE DATE – Friday, 2 May 2014 The UW-Madison Outstanding Women of Color Awards acknowledge and honor women of color among UW- Madison faculty, staff, students (undergraduate or post-baccalaureate) and the Greater Madison community, …
Berquam, Sims: Our view on ‘UWNotFair’
The following message was sent to students on April 9 by Patrick Sims, Interim Vice Provost & Chief Diversity Officer and Lori Berquam, Vice Provost for Student Life and Dean of Students.
Join Us for the Inclusive Excellence End-of-the-Year Reception
As we near the end of the 2013-2014 Academic Year, I would like to sincerely thank each and every person who has contributed to another season of successfully advancing diversity, equity and inclusion at UW-Madison.