McNair Scholars Program Applications due by Feb. 3, 2020

Ronald Erwin McNair (October 21, 1950 – January 28, 1986) was an American NASA astronaut and physicist. He died during the launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger on mission STS-51-L, in which he was serving as one of three mission specialists in a crew of seven.
Ronald Erwin McNair (October 21, 1950 – January 28, 1986) was an American NASA astronaut and physicist. He died during the launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger on mission STS-51-L, in which he was serving as one of three mission specialists in a crew of seven.

The UW–Madison Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program) is accepting applications for Spring 2020! Please kindly pass this announcement and the attachments to undergraduate students and affiliates.

Applications will remain open on the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH) from January 1st- February 3rd, 2020. The program prepares undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds for doctoral studies. Please see the application checklist below.

The McNair Scholars Program is an academic excellence opportunity for undergraduate students with aspiration and strong academic potential for advancing toward doctoral (Ph.D.) study upon completing the bachelor’s degree. The program creates a bridge between undergraduate and graduate education through academic, research, and scholarly experiences.  Students selected for the McNair Scholars Program join a supportive community of peers, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Eligibility: UW Madison undergraduate students must meet either criterion (1) OR (2). All students must meet criterion (3) and (4).

1) First-generation college student as well as a low-income student.

2) Member of traditionally underrepresented groups* in graduate education: African American, Hispanic/Latinx, American Indian (*according to federal guidelines, Asian American, including Southeast Asian Americans are eligible under criterion 1).

3) A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.9 and 45 earned college credits.

4) US citizen or permanent resident.

*Preference will be given to applicants who meet criteria #1 and can participate in the program for a minimum of 12 full months (full academic year, including the summer before graduation). However, all eligible students are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information about the program, please visit the McNair Scholars Program website or email at

Application Checklist

Submitted through WiSH Portal:

1. Completed Application
2. Two (2) Letters of Recommendation (at least one letter must be from a professor)
3. Personal Statement:  Please provide a personal statement (no more than 1000 words). Please consider these guidelines as
you are writing this statement:

a. Why do you want to pursue a Ph.D.?
b. What are your short and long term career goals?
c. How can the McNair Scholars Program assist you in attaining those goals?
d. What specific research area interests you the most? Discuss any current research or a possible
research topic and mentor/professor with whom you would like to work.
e. Describe a personal example that shows your persistence and commitment to academic endeavors.

The following documentation must be submitted in hardcopy form to the McNair Staff by the
application deadline. Please submit documents to either Khadejah Ray or Dr. Audra Hernandez in the
McNair office (408 Bascom Hall) or to Erica Neal in the DDEEA main office (175 Bascom Hall) between
8 AM-3 PM.

4. Federal Tax Returns:
a. Include a signed copy of your 2017 federal tax returns (if you are claimed as a dependent,
submit the tax return of your parent/guardian who claimed
you). Please make sure your document includes the following (This is usually 1-2 pages long.):
i. Adjusted gross income
ii. Taxable income
iii. Signature or disclaimer about an electronic signature
iv. Note: DO NOT EMAIL FINANCIAL INFORMATION!! We will only accept hard copies of your financial
5. First-Generation College Status Form (Found here: