Register for Spring 2016 MSC courses on leadership & social justice

A Downy Hawthorn tree blossoms in front of the Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during spring on May 13, 2008. ©UW-Madison University Communications 608/262-0067 Photo by: Jeff Miller Date: 05/08 File#: D3 digital camera frame 1059

The MSC will offering two classes in the spring.

“Issues of Social Injustice” – CP 620, Section 004 (Thursdays 3:00pm – 5:30pm)
Sign-up now for a 3 credit course where you will engage in relevant dialogues of injustice, oppressions, social movements, and ways to take action. The course content is designed to help students become more aware of issues related to social justice, social movements, and ways in which, they as individuals, can assist in the positive transformation of communities in which they reside.  Therefore, this course seeks to provide students with skills, tools, and knowledge they can utilize in becoming change agents. CP 620 is designed for undergraduates, but all are welcome. For questions please contact or
“Leadership & Civic Engagement for Social Change” – CSCS 375 (Tuesdays 3:00pm – 4:40pm)
The Civil Society and Community Studies 375 will enable students to develop leadership skills and a civic identity that will enable them to pursue social change during the rest of their time here on campus and after graduation. Though all students are welcome to enroll in this 2 credit course, it is uniquely intended for first year students of color who will connect with peer, faculty, and community leaders in order to explore power, privilege, and oppression, civic engagement, personal leadership, and social justice in community with one another.
The application link can be found here: Permission to register will be granted after a review of applications. Application does not guarantee admittance into Leadership and Civic Engagement for Social Change. For questions please contact or