On Thursday, Feb. 19, the UW-Madison Women and Leadership Coffee & Conversation series will host Diversity: How Do We Keep Talking? in the 3rd floor Northwoods Room of Union South. The event begins with check-in at 8 …
News & Announcements
Application deadline for Washington, D.C. Semester in International Affairs is March 5th
Apply now for the Washington, D.C. Semester Program in International Affairs, which allows you to intern in an internationally-focused organization in Washington, D.C., while earning credits at UW-Madison! For more information, please attend one of …
American Indian Student & Cultural Center (AISCC) offers students daily access to faculty/staff
The American Indian Student & Cultural Center (AISCC) will be open every afternoon Monday through Friday. Each day a different American Indian Studies (AIS) faculty or staff member will hold office hours at the Center. …
Applications due March 2 for 2015 Research Experience for Undergraduates on Sustainable Land & Water Resources
Applications are now being accepted for the 2015 Research Experience for Undergraduates on Sustainable Land and Water Resources. Application deadline: March 2, 2015. Program dates: June 8 – August 14, 2015. Visit http://reuslawr.wordpress.com for more …
Survival and Self-Care Skills for Students of Color
Mark your calendars and plan to participate in “Be Wellness: Survival and Self -care for Students of Color” on Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the MSC Classroom. Plan to be a part of …
Become an Achievement Connections algebra tutor
Freshmen in Madison-area high schools have more difficulty with Algebra 1 than any other class. And those who don’t pass Algebra 1 by 10th grade are half as likely to ever complete high school. A …
Don’t miss February 27th Third Annual Wisconsin Statewide Pre-Law Diversity Day
Please join our University of Wisconsin Law School for the Third Annual Wisconsin Statewide Pre-Law Diversity Day! This free event will be held on Friday, February 27, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at University of Wisconsin …
Outsized attendance marks first Conversation on Diversity and Inclusion
Organizers of the first Conversation on Diversity and Inclusion hoped that around 200 people might show up to the discussion, held Tuesday afternoon in Union South’s Varsity Hall. Nearly twice that number attended. Wisconsin Union …
Semester opens with “Campus Conversations”
Last semester, hundreds of students and others at the University of Wisconsin-Madison took action in response to racially charged events in Ferguson, Mo., Staten Island and elsewhere. Catalyzed by these events, UW-Madison will explore how …
Debate focuses on police body cameras
Are body-mounted cameras a way to reduce violent confrontations between police and the public or are they an invasion of privacy? A panel explored the issues surrounding the technology at a forum Thursday at the …
UW Voices: Campus Conversation about Diversity and Inclusion
Last semester, hundreds of students and others at the University of Wisconsin-Madison took action in response to racially charged events in Ferguson, Mo., Staten Island and elsewhere. “Much of last semester’s momentum came from students,” …
Innovation Grant Applications due February 6
The Grant Funding System, operated by the Office of the Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer and the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement, is again available to receive proposals. The program is designed …
Community Debate: Police Body Cams – Yay or Nay?
Hosted by Karma Chavez Thursday, January 15 at 7 pm-9 pm. Conrad A. Elvehjem Building, 800 University Ave., Room L140 After recent police killings of unarmed black men around the United States, several politicians, community …
Historic Indian Agency House seeks Museum Director
Are you looking for a seasonal full-time job in the summer and a part-time job during the school year with flexible hours? Are you a great story-teller and do you enjoy working with people? Do …
Creating space for a campus reflection on race
UW-Madison administrators have released statements of support for those who feel affected by the grand jury verdicts in Ferguson and Staten Island and are calling for a broader conversation about race relations and inclusion on campus. Chancellor …
Engaged Scholarship Roundtable: Narrating Blindness in Wisconsin
The next Bagels and Research presentation is this Friday, December 5, from 9-10 in the Red Gym, Room 154, at the Morgridge Center for Public Service. Our presenter is Annika Konrad, Ph.D. candidate in Composition and Rhetoric in the Department …
Queer Emerging Leaders Program
QUELP (Queer EEmergingLeaders Program) is a program for UW Madison students to learn about their individual and collective identities in the context of community leadership. Join the LGBT Campus Center and grow as a campus …
How the UW System is Serving Veterans
As of 2013, there were more than 400,000 veterans living in Wisconsin, ‘veteran’ being defined as a former member of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard who served on active …
Nov. 18 Info Session: Earn, Learn & Intern!
Internship experience is a key factor in securing your dream job or graduate school program. Come out to learn how to secure internship opportunities in the U.S. & abroad and receive credit in the process …
November 20 is National Parental Involvement Day
Project Appleseed’s 19th annual celebration will be held on the third Thursday in November, Nov. 20, 2014. National Parent Involvement Day provides a yearly opportunity for schools and families to honor and highlight the powerful …