The UW-Madison office of the Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer will host its first Inclusive Excellence Winter Symposium on Friday, Feb. 15, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. With nearly 300 persons scheduled to attend, the event will be moved to the Lower Level Dining Room of Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon Street, to accommodate more participants.

“There is so much happening with diversity, both on our campus and in the nation, that we decided to create a spring semester campus wide Diversity Forum, the Inclusive Excellence Symposium,” said Damon Williams, Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer. “The university has a full agenda working to draft a new campus-wide diversity plan, searching for a new chancellor, and keeping a watchful eye on potential changes in the Supreme Court’s legal interpretation of race as a component of the holistic admissions process.”
The symposium will include an update on the Supreme Court’s examination of the Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin case by Policy and Legal Advisor Katherine Lipper of EducationCounsel, LLC. The legal firm co-founded by educational policy expert and attorney Art Coleman operates under the umbrella of the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP), a nonpartisan global research and policy center that serves as a resource on complex issues for higher education organizations committed to increasing access and success in post-secondary education.
Participants also will continue the campus-wide discussion on diversity with an informative keynote speech by Dr. Nancy “Rusty” Barcelo, President of Northern New Mexico College (NNMC). Dr. Barcelo is one of the nation’s foremost experts on Inclusive Excellence and very familiar with the issues and challenges of Midwest institutions as the former Vice President and Vice Provost for Equity and Diversity at the University of Minnesota.

As always, participants also will have another opportunity to provide feedback on the future direction the university should take on defining and improving its diversity under the 2013 Diversity Planning process.
The event is filling up fast. Please register to join us on February 15:
*Call 608-265-5228 to request accommodations for the hearing impaired.
Inclusive Excellence Winter Symposium
Friday, February 15, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Lowell Center, 610 Langdon Street
9 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Registration & Refreshments, Lowell Center, Upper Lounge
9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Welcome and Overview of the Day, Lowell Center Dining Room
Dr. Damon Williams, Vice Provost & Chief Diversity Officer
9:45 a.m. – 10 a.m. Opening Remarks
Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
10 a.m. – 11 a.m. Address on Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin
Ms. Katherine Lipper, J.D., Policy & Legal Advisor, EducationCounsel, LLC
11 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Question & Answer Session with Ms. Katherine Lipper, J.D.
11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Update on UW-‐Madison 2013 Diversity Planning Process
12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Lunch, Lowell Center, New Lounge
1 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Introduction of Keynote Speaker – Professor Karma Chavez
Keynote Address “Institutional Responsibility”
Dr. Nancy “Rusty” Barceló, President of Northern New Mexico College
1:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Question & Answer Session with President Barceló
2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Closing Remarks
*2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Inclusive Excellence Networking Reception for Dr. Barceló;
Lowell Center, Upper Lounge