The Outstanding Women of Color Selection Committee is pleased to announce the six Outstanding Women of Color for 2016:
- Fabu Phillis Carter, Poet, Scholar, Teaching Artist, and Outreach Specialist for the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center of the School of Medicine & Public Health;
- Joan Fujimura, Professor, Department of Sociology and Holtz Center for Research on Science and Technology;
- Binnu Palta Hill, Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the Wisconsin School of Business;
- Sagashus Levingston, Tutor/mentor with the Odyssey Project, Co-teacher in the Odyssey Junior Program, and Founder of the “Infamous Mothers” Project;
- Denise Thomas, Coordinator of Title VII American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), Madison Metropolitan School District; and
- Julissa Ventura, Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Policy Studies and Fellow of the Morgridge Center for Public Service Community-University Exchange-South Madison.
The annual campus and community reception hosted by the Office of the Vice Provost & Chief Diversity Officer to honor the Outstanding Women of Color, originally planned for Oct. 3, 2016, will be held in the Spring of 2017 with details to come.