DIP Update: February, 2017

UW Madison and the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement (DDEEA) is pleased to announce the official launch of the University’s Diversity Inventory Program (DIP.)

The searchable online database will collect, update, and report information on diversity related activities, programs, events, support services and research across campus. The creation of this database fulfills Initiative 8 of UW-Madison’s Diversity framework, according to Dr. Torsheika Maddox.

We are so excited for the launch of DIP—an online information hub about diversity research, programs, engagement opportunities at UW-Madison. DIP will provide students, faculty, staff, alumni, and future Badger families a single place to find information about diversity activities. For those looking for a tangible way to help promote diversity and inclusion—Input Your Activities Into DIP!

Chancellor Rebecca Blank requested the campus wide inventory of all diversity programs to provide the UW with a database that will improve knowledge about diversity resources, as well as improve the ability to coordinate diversity activities amongst all campus partners. Additionally, this fulfills the students and alumni recommendation to improve internal and external communication about diversity and campus climate progress. In close alignment with UW’s longstanding commitment to diversity, and an inclusive campus climate, the Diversity Inventory Program can be found at diversity.wisc.edu/dip. The DDEEA requests all faculty and staff on campus to participate in the database gathering process and submit details about activities that focus on diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in the classroom.

During this introductory phase, training on the effective use of the DIP database will be available in-person and via webinars. Participating in DIP is one way everyone can carry out the University’s Diversity Framework.

Should you have questions, please reach out to the DIP Project Manager, Dr. Torsheika Maddox at diversityinventory@cdo.wisc.edu or refer to UW-Madison’s diversity website at http://www.diversity.wisc.edu/.


DIP in the News: http://news.wisc.edu/diversity-inventory-program-launch-party-set-for-feb-17/