What a crucial time to be activating for the greater good within community! I give thanks for our collaborative community of practice as we strive to stay centered & grounded in the midst of so many intensely challenging forces! Still I & WE RISE through it all and my gratitude overflows….
Institute Director Hazel Symonette is looking forward to rededicating ourselves to creating and sustaining authentically inclusive & responsive teaching, learning, living and working environments that are conducive to success for all—in spite of whatever. As usual, there will be some new folks joining the session this Spring, so time will be spent getting connected/reconnected while centering/grounding & priming for our journey forward.
Spring 2017 will be the last time that the Student Success Institute will be offered as a weekly cross-campus/cross-role community of practice within the Division of Student Life. As a result, we will more explicitly and intensively focus on mastery & proficiency in Activist Assessment & Evaluation: most notably, cultivating Self-in-Context as Responsive Instrument while mapping positive provocative possibility-pathways for your 2017 Success Vision for yourself and the students that we aim to serve. Our work will be much more hands-on as we walk-around-the-quadrants of your Integral Educator model using Developmental Evaluation to construct & work with your WHO? Logic model and your WHAT? Logic model.
For questions or more information, contact Hazel Symonette at mailto:hazel.symonette@wisc.edu
Advance-Organizer Resources~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Read & Reflect: How you can mindfully use Activist Assessment & Evaluation to enliven, enable and expedite Living-Into your success vision for yourself and persons that you serve—students, faculty, staff, administrators, others? https://uwmadison.box.com/s/j2vylkukoo7nga89oiylgnszqtnjxlq7