Applications for Morgridge Center community-based learning grants due Dec. 18

The Morgridge Center for Public Service is accepting proposals to fund the development of new community-based learning (cbl and/or cbr) courses or the addition of a community-based component to existing courses to be taught in the Fall 2016, Spring 2017 or Summer 2017 semesters. Faculty or academic instructional staff may apply for up to $5,000 in funding per course. This grant can only be awarded once per course or course section. Application deadline: Friday, December 18th. 

This grant also is intended to support courses that intentionally bring together a diverse group of UW-Madison students, particularly under-represented students, to engage in community-based learning with non-profit organizations. Community-based learning is a high-impact practice that places emphasis on academic benefits for under-represented students. Proposals that address how the course will involve a diverse group of UW-Madison students to meet a community-identified need in one of the Morgridge Center’s priority areas: 1) Education, 2) Public Health, 3) Environment) are especially encouraged. This initiative is designed to support undergraduate and graduate level courses in all disciplines.

Funding may be used for wages for an upper level undergraduate student  or graduate student, e. g., TA or PA, to assist a faculty/instructional staff member with course development and implementation as well as community engagement initiatives, supplies or other miscellaneous expenses associated with the course. If funding is used for a graduate PA, tuition remission will be waived for the semester.

Detailed information about the Course Development Grant Program along with application and budget forms may be found at Completed application and budget forms should be emailed to Randy Wallar, Morgridge Center Associate Director, at no later than Friday, December 18, 2015. Decisions regarding the award of Community-based Learning Grants will be made no later than February 29, 2016.