Please join the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity, the 100 Black Men of Madison and other members of the African-American professional community, local high school students, university students and faculty of the University of Wisconsin who are slated to attend the 5th Annual Mingling, Mentoring and Mama’s Treats on Thursday, September 10.
This community/campus reception event offers opportunities for social interaction and information sharing among a group of younger and older African-American men with similar career interests. With the theme of “Intergenerational Mentoring,” the goal of the 10 September activity is to initiate cross-generational relationships. The reception is an opportunity for us to connect, fellowship, and forge new relationships while sharing food, tips and resources to make the year one to remember.
The event will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the East Atrium and Plenary Room at Grainger Hall on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Now more than ever, we want to teach our students that a major part of success in life is having a network of supportive friends, colleagues and mentors. My goal – and I hope yours, too – is to expand our network by creating an atmosphere where we can provide support, mentoring, and establish life-long friendships with members of the greater Madison community.
Please plan to join us by registering today at