The UW Voices Campaign and UW-Madison Learning Communities for Institutional Change & Excellence (LCICE) is sponsoring an open house for members of the university community to learn about an important professional development opportunity on Wednesday, April 29 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Virginia Harrison Parlor of Lathrop Hall.
- Are you a faculty member who wishes to engage all students and support their success in your classrooms/labs?
- Are you a student interested in developing your capacities for relating across all human differences, becoming a global citizen?
- Are you a staff/administrator striving to further hone your skill sets for supporting and implementing the new Diversity Framework?
- Are you a researcher interested in building lasting mutually beneficial relationships with your community-based partners?
Join us for a conversation about which professional development initiative is for you. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with past participants to learn about their experiences in our learning community. RSVP preferred.
LCICE is a unit in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement (DDEEA) that offers academic-year and semester-long Learning Communities (LCs) to help build institutional capacity to implement our strategic diversity initiatives and develop our abilities to engage effectively in a globally interconnected workforce and world. The success of this university in its mission as a world-class teaching, research, and public service institution depends on nurturing a diverse body of students, faculty and staff to foster innovation and excellence.
To achieve this mission, the Learning Communities provide a forum for active participation in dialogue focused on creating working, learning, and teaching environments where everyone is heard, valued and included. Through dialogue, one learns how to engage in transformative changes of behaviors, policies, and procedures that collectively impact the campus climate for ALL community members.
For more information go to: