How can students of color support #blacklivesmatter? How can white students support the movement as effective allies? How can black students strengthen the movement?
The Multicultural Student Center social justice educators will host an interactive workshop on February 26th at 5:30 p.m. in the MSC lounge of the Red Gym to continue conversations around #blacklivesmatter, #aboutraceuw, and #uwvoices.
Join us for the Tools and Strategies for Cross-Racial Allyship, an active workshop for all students interested in learning more about what keeps us from making connections with students from different backgrounds and how to build community across groups. The event will be a chance to strategize with your peers and connect with your supporters and allies. All are welcome. Food will be served!
Click here to RSVP on Facebook. Contact Alice Traore at or 608-265-2513 for more information or to request accommodations.
![#uwvoices, #blacklivesmatter, #BHM2015](