American Indian Student & Cultural Center (AISCC) offers students daily access to faculty/staff

The AISCC is located 215 North Brooks St., between West Johnson and Dayton streets near Grainger Hall.
The AISCC is located at 215 North Brooks St., between West Johnson and Dayton streets south of Grainger Hall.

The American Indian Student & Cultural Center (AISCC) will be open every afternoon Monday through Friday. Each day a different American Indian Studies (AIS) faculty or staff member will hold office hours at the Center. AIS will provide study snacks.  Campus map:

The Amer­i­can Indian Stu­dent & Cul­tural Cen­ter (AISCC), 215 N. Brooks St.,  is a space for Native stu­dent groups, aca­d­e­mic ser­vices, and cul­tural events. The AISCC houses student-run orga­ni­za­tions: Wunk Sheek, Ojibwe lan­guage group, Wunk Sheek Drum, Alpha Pi Omega Soror­ity, and the Amer­i­can Indian Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing Soci­ety. Amer­i­can Indian Stud­ies fac­ulty as well as satel­lite advis­ing ser­vices (Amer­i­can Indian Stu­dent Aca­d­e­mic Ser­vices, the PEOPLE Pro­gram, Amer­i­can Indian Cur­ricu­lum Ser­vices, the Cross Col­lege Advis­ing Ser­vice, and the Office of Under­grad­u­ate Recruit­ment and Reten­tion) often hold weekly office hours.

Act 31 is the nickname for the 1989/1991 statutes integrating the history, culture and tribal sovereignty of the American Indian Nations of Wisconsin into PK-16 education. Please check out Please feel free to drop by to discuss this and other topics.

Facil­ity Use Pol­icy: In order to make the best use of the facil­ity, stu­dent orga­ni­za­tions, fac­ulty, and staff must fill out a space request form for all meet­ings and events. Please send your space request form to: The space request form and the facil­ity use pol­icy are below:

AISCC Facil­ity Use Pol­icy                       Blank-Space-Request-Form