This year’s weekend-long Multicultural Homecoming celebration, October 23-26, will be an unprecedented effort to bring together multicultural students and several generations of alumni to reconnect with the campus, renew friendships and create new traditions to share with future generations of multicultural Badgers.
Sponsored by the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association, Office of the Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer, Office of the Chancellor and the Multicultural Student Center, there are more than a dozen events, gatherings and activities where present and past Badgers can get together for the time-honored college tradition of homecoming.
Alumni Register today at:
Students Register today at:
Schedule of Events
(All events are free unless otherwise noted)
Thursday October 23
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Multicultural Career Networking Panel —Multicultural Student Center (Red Gym, 716 Langdon Street), Lounge
*Come out to network with multicultural alumni with diverse career trajectories as they share their wisdom and advice for navigating race in the workplace.
Friday October 24
6 to 7:30 p.m. Homecoming Parade —Gilman and State Street
7:45 p.m. Pep Rally —Memorial Union Terrace, 800 Langdon Street
7:30 to 10 p.m. Opening remarks at 8:30 p.m., Multicultural Homecoming Welcome Reception —University Club
*Welcoming/opening event that will include heavy hors d’oeuvres; a cash bar; welcome Remarks by Chancellor Blank (not confirmed), Paula Bonner and Patrick J. Sims; music by Jan Wheaton Jazz Trio
Saturday October 25
8:30 to 10:30 a.m. BADGER HUDDLE®—Fieldhouse
11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. UW vs. University of Maryland Football Game —Camp Randall
10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Football Watch Party—Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, DeLuca Forum, 330 N. Orchard St.
*Coordinated by OVPCD staff; a chance to watch the football game and engage in some friendly conversation, networking and card playing (Bidwhist and Spades). This event is free for students and alumni and snacks.
Post-Game to 6 p.m. Multicultural Homecoming 2014: Back to Where It All Began

*This afternoon centers around a variety of events and activities will provide a conduit for students, alumni and community to learn about and connect to the variety of diversity initiatives available on the UW – Madison campus. This is a time to allow MCHC attendees to be part of this tradition in a space that allows them to reconnect and learn.
Come back to where it all began –and see how things have changed! Celebrate Badger Homecoming all Saturday long with friends and fellow alumni while we bring you up to date on diversity at UW-Madison. The reunion lasts all day starting with a football watch party and great food, followed by music from across the years, card games, entertainment and conversation with past and current Badgers –back to where it all began.

It will also feature keynote alumni speaker Winslow Sargeant, Chief Counsel for Advocacy for the Small Business Administration and School of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award Honoree: “What It Really Means to Bring the Victory Home for Diverse Alumni.”
Following the speaker, please also plan to rejoin friends and check-in with staff from diversity outreach program affiliated with the Division of Diversity, Equity and Academic Achievement and other campus wide diversity initiatives via displays and visitor tables. Live music will be provided by DJ Ace for the sounds from back in the day, as well as networking, and heavy hors d’ouevres. Open to students, alumni and community members. Also featuring a preview of the evening’s entertainment with this slam poetry group, Comedian Marlin Hill, and a Homecoming welcome by Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer, Patrick Sims. Performances by the Southeast Asian Student Association and First Wave followed by a talk-back.
4 p.m.-6 p.m. Campus Multicultural Bus Tour — Shuttle bus will pick up on North Orchard Street outside of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery and go to the following locations:
- Tour of the American Indian Student and Cultural Center-215 N. Brooks St.;
- Visit to UW Steenbok Library Archive Section (4th floor) – Viewing of African American and Native American archive materials including photos, artifacts and other historical information accumulated over the years- 550 Babcock Drive;
- Tour of DeJope Residence Hall and Effigy Mounds – 640 Elm Drive;
- Return to Red Gym/Memorial Union for people who are going to the Step Show
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. (Doors open at 5 p.m.)
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) “Stomp da Madness” Expedition and Step Show Competition, Featuring Comedian Marlin Hill —Memorial Union, Shannon Hall, 800 Langdon Street. Admission: $7. Tickets available at the WI Union Box Office
*A step show is a competition of rhythmic dance for – historically Black Greek Letter Organizations as a way to show homage to their African Roots. Black Greek Letter Organizations from campus will be performing and competing. Tickets are $7 and will be available for purchase at the door —admission is open to the general public. (For more information about step shows, see here: Comedian Marlin Hill will be opening the show! Hill was inspired by comedy legends including: Richard Pryor, Mom’s Mabley and Robin Harris. This young comic from Milwaukee is “hotter than desert sand.” Marlin made history by becoming the only comedian ever to win five weeks in a row at the world famous Apollo Theatre in New York!
9 p.m. to Midnight Multicultural Homecoming Dance Party Celebration—Pyle Center, Alumni Lounge & Lee Lounge, 702 Langdon Street
*Alumni will have the opportunity to continue reconnecting with one another while listening and dancing to the R&B sounds provided by DJ ACE and Latin/Salsa sounds provided by the MadiSalsa band. Snacks and a cash bar will be available.
10 p.m. to 2 a.m. National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) “Stomp da Madness” Student After Party—Varsity Hall, Union South, 1308 W. Dayton Street
*An event for students that follows the National Pan-Hellenic Council Step Show event. Free with NPHC step show ticket; $5 without NPHC ticket
Sunday, October 26
9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Chancellors/Powers Knapp Scholarship Brunch—Memorial Union, Tripp Commons, 800 Langdon Street

*Enjoy participating in a light brunch for current Chancellors/Powers Knapp Scholars and alumni. A panel of alumni scholars will be assembled to share their thoughts, provide informational updates, discuss issues and concerns and be available to network with current scholars.
10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. PEOPLE Program Brunch and 15 Year Anniversary Celebration—Union South, Varsity Hall I and II, 1308 W. Dayton Street
*Enjoy participating in a brunch for current PEOPLE Program Scholars and alumni. Admission prices:$15 for current PEOPLE scholars; $25 general admission (brunch) for alumni; $55 alumni package (brunch ticket, raffle ticket and PEOPLE Program merchandise which includes: a lapel pin, business card holder and t-shirt). Registration for this event is via the PEOPLE program Eventbrite link.
Questions: Candace M. McDowell, 608-239-5015,