Among the treasured rituals of autumn is the UW-Madison Posse Program’s Fall Awards ceremony. In a notable delay of gratification, each year Posse supports Beverly and Wade Fetzer, along with Posse supporter Lona Jupiter, reward students who make the grade their first year on campus with laptop computers and printers.
For students who may come to UW-Madison without all the tools they need, the chance to earn a personal computer through academic achievement is truly appreciated, said UW-Madison Posse Director Albert Muniz.
“Wade Fetzer has been a champion for Posse at UW-Madison since the program’s arrival on campus over 10 years ago,” Muniz said. “Wade helped to select the first-ever posse to come to Madison and has continued to assist in the selection process every year. Furthermore, Wade and his wife Bev have long supported our Scholars in generous and inventive ways such as giving laptop computers (and now iPads) to Posse Scholars who attain a 3.0 GPA or better in each of their first two semesters at UW-Madison while attending full-time.”
This year the gifts were upgraded to new technology and students were awarded iPads. Since the reward is earned and not just a handout, it’s a special boost for students’ sense of pride and accomplishment, he added. In addition to the iPads, Posse supporter Lona Jupiter has created a special fund to help Posse students meet the cost of studying abroad, which is an important high-impact component of undergraduate study.
“Wade’s contributions to UW-Madison Posse along with the recent addition by Ms. Jupiter are truly immeasurable in terms of the positive impacts they have had on our students and the program as a whole,” Muniz said.
This year’s academic honorees included:
Edith Flores (Chicago 10), Carlos Garcia (Chicago 10), Eddie Espinoza (Los Angeles 9), Natalie Mena (Los Angeles 9), Briana Miller (Los Angeles 9), Aisha Prasad (Los Angeles 9), Destiny Chenault (New York 1), Phil Jean-Remy (New York 1), Erika Nunez (New York 1), Vaughn Williams (New York 1), Jessica Barahona (Washington, D.C. 3), Jonathan Harris (Washington, D.C. 3), Kiana Murphy (Washington, D.C. 3), Courtney Riley (Washington, D.C. 3), Karyn Wilson (Washington, D.C. 3).
The John B. Roy Scholarship was awarded to Kimberly Bravo (Los Angeles 8). The scholarship is given annually to a Los Angeles Posse junior or senior scholar who maintains academic excellence while demonstrating leadership skills, a high level of campus involvement and commitment to serving others.
The Joseph and Esther Marie Zapata scholarship was awarded to Ashley Thorpe (Washington, D.C. 1). The scholarship is given annually to a Posse Scholar who is a junior or senior and maintains academic excellence while demonstrating leadership skills, a high level of campus involvement and commitment to serving others.