Come build community around a ciiporoke! A Ho-Chunk dwelling, the ciiporoke has been a place of home, family, community, teaching, learning and ceremony for Ho-Chunk people at Teejop since beyond memory.
Visit the ciiporoke, Thursday, Nov. 3, from 3 – 6 p.m., on the north lawn of Dejope Residence Hall. Together, we can think about placemaking and explore how UW–Madison spaces can be transformed into Indigenous places. All are welcome. This is an Our Shared Future program to support learning about Ho-Chunk people and culture.
Event Details
- Date: Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022
- Time: 3 – 6 p.m.
- Location: North Lawn at Dejope Residence Hall, 640 Elm Drive
- Cost: Free
- Food: Hot soup and cornbread while supplies last