The campus community is invited to participate in three sessions that will provide an update on “Forward Together, a Diversity Framework for UW-Madison,” and begin getting input on implementation.
After a deliberative process led by the Ad Hoc Diversity Planning Committee that included input from campus and the broader community, Forward Together, a Diversity Framework for UW-Madison,was vetted last spring by the University’s four shared governance entities. The frame work included 30 recommendations for action,ranging from the development of diversity-centric leadership experiences to building stronger connections to the broader Madison community. Now,the process of implementation begins and also will require input from the entire campus.
“In order to actualize our institutional vision for diversity we need to continue to work together as a campus community to formulate the specific action items that will bring the goals of the framework to life,” said Patrick Sims, Interim Vice provost and Chief Diversity Officer. “This is how this diversity framework is fundamentally different from past diversity plans. We will work together in a broadly inclusive process to determine how we meet UW-Madison’s diversity goals as laid out by the approved recommendations. Everyone has a stake and a role in the implementation, so we need everyone to lean in to the discussion.”
Participants are asked to attend one of the upcoming sessions to hear more about the initial priority recommendations and the formation of work groups and committees where specific projects and approaches will be decided.
“Our excitement with this new Diversity Framework is based on the opportunity it presents for each and every person who wants to be involved to get involved,” Sims said. “In a calculated step forward, this framework defines our collective goals and specific priority outcomes. But those closest to guiding and executing the work are key participating designers in how we will do the hands-on work to ensure we are in alignment with proven processes and best practices, along with the innovative insight that moves all of our effective work to the next level.”
For a full summary of the Diversity Framework recommendations and preliminary overview on implementation, go to:
Please join us for the following initial update and input sessions scheduled for October:
Faculty & Staff
Date: October 6, 2014
Time: 11:30am-1pm
Location: Memorial Union, Beefeater’s Room
Date: October 14, 2014
Time: 5:30-7pm
Location: MSC Lounge, Red Gym
Faculty and Staff
Date: October 15, 2014
Time: 11pm-12:15am
Location: 1306, Health Sciences Learning Center
Please feel free to share any questions or comments with us at or call 608-265-5228.