Following an energetic launch into the 2013 diversity planning process, we have arrived at the next step. In November, the University Committee charged the CDCC with appointing a shared governance ad hoc committee to undertake the comprehensive formulation of a campus-wide diversity plan.
Our shared governance leadership has done an excellent job selecting individuals whom understand the critical issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion and possess the love and commitment to UW–Madison to insure that we create a plan which will provide recommendations and meaningful suggestions for accomplishing our goals over time. I am hopeful and excited for our next steps and look forward to witnessing the process as it unfolds over the next several weeks and months.
Dozens of individuals were nominated to represent students, classified staff, academic staff, and faculty. The resulting 2013 Ad Hoc Diversity Planning Committee (AHDPC), which is co-chaired by College of Letters and Science Communicative Disorders Professor Ruth Litovsky and MBA graduate student Michael Jackson, who represents the Associated Students of Madison (ASM), includes broad representation from across the campus community. In addition, the committee includes seven ex officio members who represent key administrative departments at UW-Madison, five ex officio members from the greater Madison community, and a facilitator (who will be named by the committee) from UW-Madison’s Office of Quality Improvement (OQI).
As the AHDPC completes the drafting process to develop a comprehensive proposal for UW-Madison’s new diversity plan, the group will provide periodic reports to the CDCC, relevant governance bodies, and the university’s administration. The committee will then present the plan to the Faculty Senate, the Academic Staff Assembly, and the ASM Council for endorsement prior to the end of the academic year.
Thank you to everyone who has participated in our roundtable discussions and contributed feedback thus far. Please watch for updates, including meeting dates, scheduled listening sessions, and reports, on a web site that is dedicated to the process—2013 Diversity Planning. Please visit it at
In the meantime, we will continue our diligent diversity work across the campus by meeting with two expert guests who will update and inform us while my office hosts the first Inclusive Excellence Winter Symposium on Friday, February 15, at Lowell Center, 610 Langdon Street.
In the morning, Policy and Legal Advisor Katherine Lipper of EducationCounsel, LLC, will provide an update on the Supreme Court’s examination of the Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin case. In the afternoon, Dr. Nancy “Rusty” Barcelo, president of Northern New Mexico College (NNMC) and one of the nation’s foremost experts on inclusive excellence, will be our keynote speaker. As the former vice president and vice provost for equity and diversity at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Barcelo is extremely familiar with the issues and challenges that face Midwest institutions.
I look forward to seeing you there!
AD Hoc Diversity Planning Committee members:
MBA student Michael Jackson and communicative disorders Professor Ruth Litovsky
Students (selected by ASM)
Ryan Adserias
Justin Bloesch
Haley Frieler
Jincheng Huang
Aliya Iftikhar (alternate)
Classified Staff (selected in consultation with CNCS and the Labor Management Advisory Committee)
Robert Anderson, Materials Distribution Services (Business Services)
Ladera Barnes, Research Projects Administration (SMPH)
Nicholas Davis, Application Information Security (DoIT)
Paula Gates, Enrollment Management
Vanika Mock, Continuing Studies
Faculty (selected by the University Committee)
Larry Church, Law School
Joan Fujimura, Sociology (L&S)
Alberta Gloria, Counseling Psychology (School of Education)
Amaud Johnson, English (L&S)
Academic Staff (selected by ASEC)
Ida Balderama-Trudell, POSSE Program
Rodney Horikawa, Community Partnerships & Outreach, UHS
Erica Laughlin, IT Academy, DoIT
Heather McFadden, Research Compliance, Graduate School; also Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, School of Education
Lillian Tong, Institute for Biology Education, L&S
Ex Officio, Community (selected by the Office of the Chancellor)
Kaleem Caire, Urban League of Greater Madison
Frances Huntley Cooper, Board of Madison College
Amy Kerwin, Great Lakes Higher Education
Gloria Reyes, Centro Hispano of Dane County
Floyd Rose, 100 Black Men of Madison and Wisconsin Supplier Development Council
Ex Officio, UW-Madison Administration
Sierra Beckles, Office of Legal Affairs
Margaret Harrigan, Academic Planning and Institutional Research
Marlys Macken, co-chair, Campus Diversity and Climate Committee; Linguistics (L&S)
Ruby Paredes, Office of the Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer
Don Schutt, Office of Human Resource Development
Lindsey Stoddard Cameron, Office of the Secretary of the Faculty
Damon Williams, co-chair, Campus Diversity and Climate Committee, Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement