R.E.E.L Change Model Implementation Updates

University of Wisconsin-Madison is committed to providing a welcoming environment that enables all students, faculty and staff to thrive. Individuals and groups from across campus have embraced his challenge and devoted significant time and energy to move the campus forward.

The efforts building on work through the campus Diversity Framework and implementation plan, R.E.E.L. Change. Affecting R.E.E.L change means retain, equip, engage and lead for diversity and inclusion.

This real-life document is both art and science and it breathes new life every year. The goals of the Framework make diversity, equity and inclusion a high-level priority with measurable outcomes.

Every three years’ work begins on new areas. For example, the Campus Climate survey addressed initiative one with DIP, or the Diversity Inventory Program, addressed initiative 8.

Initiatives 5,6,7 and 10 are in progress. This includes improving campus-wide messaging our commitment to diversity by hiring Communication leaders and the revamping the website and strengthening the coordination of shared governance committees.

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